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Issues related to Authorship, Co-Authorship, and Collaboration

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General Information about Authorship, Co-authorship, and Collaboration

Authorship disputes make up for 2% to 11% of all disagreements in the scientific community. Many of these disputes arise when there are multiple authors or when clear lines of responsibility are not drawn at the beginning of a project. Of course, many professional and intellectual societies have set guidelines to aid in authorship conflicts. For example, according to Desai, in order to be considered an author, one must have substantial contributions to the conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, one must have helped draft the article or assisted in the critical revision for important intellectual content, or one must have had the final approval of the version of the article that was going to be published (2012). To learn more about issues regarding authorship, co-authorship, and collaboration, please see the sources we have provided below.


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Clement, T. P. (2014). Authorship matrix: A rational approach to quantify individual contributions and responsibilities in multi-author scientific articles. Science and Engineering Ethics20(2), 345-361.

Costa, M. M., & Gatz, M. (1992). Determination of authorship credit in published dissertations. Psychological Science3(6), 354-357.

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Cronin, B. (2001). Hyperauthorship: A postmodern perversion or evidence of a structural shift in scholarly communication practices? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology52(7), 558-569.

Dance, A. (2012). Authorship: Who’s on first?. Nature489(7417), 591-593.

Day, R. A. (1993). Ethical issues yesterday and today: three cases spread over nearly half a century demonstrate how persistently questions of ethics arise and illuminate the principles underlying them. Journal of Scholarly Publishing24(4), 258.

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Digiusto, E. (1994). Equity in authorship: A strategy for assigning credit when publishing. Social Science & Medicine38(1), 55-58.

Drenth, J. P. (1998). Multiple authorship: the contribution of senior authors. Jama280(3), 219-221.

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Ethical standards of psychologists (1953). Washington, D.C.: The American Psychological Association.

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Friesinger, G.C. (1986). Who should be an author? Journal of the American College of Cardiology8(5), 1240-1242.

Fye, W. B. (1990). Medical authorship: traditions, trends, and tribulations. Annals of internal medicine113(4), 317-325.

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Netting, F. E., & Nichols-Casebolt, A. (1997). Authorship and collaboration: Preparing the next generation of social work scholars. Journal of Social Work Education33(3), 555-564.

Offord, C. (2017). Coming to grips with coauthor responsibility. TheScientist.

Rennie, D., & Flanagin, A. (1994). Authorship! authorship!: Guests, ghosts, grafters, and the two-sided coin. Jama271(6), 469-471.

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