Related Organizations | Ethical, Responsible, and Replicable Research
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Ethical, Responsible, and Replicable Research
- AllTrials: The AllTrials campaign calls for all past and present clinical trials to be registered and their results reported. In addition, AllTrials calls for all past and present clinical trials to have their full methods and summary results reported.
- Center for Open Science (COS): For COS to achieve their mission, they must drive change in the culture and incentives that drive researchers’ behavior, the infrastructure that supports their research, and the business models that dominate scholarly communication.
- Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): They aim to establish core practices in research, the policies and practices journals and publishers need to reach the highest standards in publication ethics.
- Council of Graduate Schools: Project for Scholarly Integrity: The Project for Scholarly Integrity, an initiative of the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), seeks to advance the scope and quality of graduate education in the ethical and responsible conduct of research.
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO): The European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO) brings together experts who are concerned about research integrity.
- Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity: The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity promotes the responsible production of research, aids in preventing research misconduct, and promotes healthy discussion and spreads information on research integrity in Finland.
- METRICS: METRICS at Stanford University, a center within SPECTRUM, fosters multi-disciplinary research collaborations to help produce solutions that increase the effectiveness and value of scientific investigation.
- National Center for Professional and Research Ethics (NCPRE): The National Center for Professional & Research Ethics (NCPRE) is dedicated to creating and supporting academic cultures of excellence, specifically excellence in mission quality, in exemplary leadership, and in excellence in ethical and responsible conduct.
- Political Science Replication: This blog wishes that all journals should require that authors upload the data sets and software code for all models used upon acceptance of their article and authors keep detailed records about data sets. This blog also wishes there would be an open source Journal of Social Science Replication to boost replications not only for learning purposes but also as a valuable contribution to the field.
- Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions: The Poynter Project began as a reaction to Americans’ perceptions of their government as the Watergate scandal unfolded in the early 1970s and seeks funding to focus on the declining trust in public institutions.
- Sense about Science: They challenge the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life and intervene – often in partnership with others – to hold those responsible to account.
- UC San Diego Research Ethics Programs: The UC San Diego Research Ethics Program is a campus resource to identify and address ethical challenges intrinsic to academic scholarship, foster learning about research ethics, and meet federal funding requirements for education in research ethics.
- UK Research Integrity Office: The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) offers support to the public, researchers and organizations to further good practice in academic, scientific and medical research. They promote integrity and high ethical standards in research, as well as robust and fair methods to address poor practice and misconduct.