Related Organizations | Governmental Organizations
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Governmental Organizations
- Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI): The OeAWI raises awareness for the Standards of Good Scientific Practice among researchers as well as the general public.
- Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty: The Danish Committee on Research Misconduct will take over the task of dealing with research misconduct cases in Danish research. They want to fight against fabrications, falsification, and plagiarism.
- Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity: The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity promotes the responsible production of research, aids in preventing research misconduct, and promotes healthy discussion and spreads information on research integrity in Finland.
- Flemish Commission for Research Integrity: The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium is an autonomous scientific-cultural society that promotes science and the arts and contributes to science’s outward profile.
- NOAA’s Scientific Integrity Commons: A place for NOAA’s scientific community to find resources such as relevant policies, frequently asked questions about science, and links to external training on scientific integrity.
- The Project for Scholarly Integrity: The Project for Scholarly Integrity seeks to advance the scope and quality of graduate education in the ethical and responsible conduct of research. They are supported by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
- The Office of Research Integrity: The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) oversees and directs Public Health Service (PHS) research integrity activities on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
- UK Research Integrity Office: The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) offers support to the public, researchers and organizations to further good practice in academic, scientific and medical research. They promote integrity and high ethical standards in research, as well as robust and fair methods to address poor practice and misconduct.
- United States Geological Survey: Office of Science Quality and Integrity: The Office of Science Quality and Integrity states scientific integrity is maintained when all adhere to professional values and practices when conducting and applying the results of science and scholarship that ensures objectivity, clarity, and reproducibility, and that provides insulation from bias, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, outside interference, and censorship.