Group Activities

Ongoing Projects

Archival studies assessing:

    • The association of sample size with journal impact factor.
    • Changes in sample size over time.
    • The rate at which hypotheses are clearly stated and operationalized.
    • How well suggested reforms have succeeded at increasing the credibility and validity of research findings.
    • Whether research that addresses highly politicized issues is more vulnerable to problematic practices than other types of research. These investigations make use of the p-curve and the incredibility index as statistical methods of analysis.
    • The evidentiary value of and prevalence of p-hacking in a variety of social psychology literatures.

    Questionnaire Studies: Research on Scientific Integrity

    • Exploratory interviews to design questionnaires assessing scientists’ beliefs about the prevalence of integrity-impairing practices in their discipline.
    • Cognitive pre-testing of questionnaires on small samples of researchers from two scientific disciplines – one natural science and one social science.
    • Administration of questionnaires to larger samples of researchers from the same two scientific disciplines.
    • Conventional pre-testing of questionnaires on small samples of researchers from the disciplines of chemistry and sociology to assess use of discipline-specific language and rate of attrition.
    • Follow-up interviews with conventional pre-test participants to improve survey efficacy.
    • Feasibility testing of questionnaires assessing scientists’ beliefs about the prevalence of suboptimal research practices in their discipline.
    • Completing statistical analyses of the obtained data and writing up the results to be published in academic journals.